
In 1998, I went independent and went through the naming process: what should I call myself that would be simple to remember and evoke the things I stand for?

So I invented "sociate," with the idea that I love associating ideas and people, and also that I believe the social changes we are going through because of things like the Internet and smartphones will be more transformative than the economic and structural changes we've already seen (think eCommerce and social media).

It turns out that "sociate" isn't that obvious to pronounce (turning often into "so-shit"), and my path sprouted many other ideas and projects. So the only ways I use "Sociate" today are as my official dba for taxes, and as my email handle:

So please don't point here to cite me, and head instead to these other resources that should help you:

Or visit my /now page, where I keep a snapshot of what I'm up to.

Thank you!
Jerry Michalski